On the following map, click on any bus route to get further details.

We are always looking for new 'drivers' for existing routes and new route options.  

If you can help, please contact our parent Route Coordinator, Carey Smith
(or via office@kauripark.school.nz )

Further details about what Walking School Buses are, and how they work can be found on the Auckland Transport Travelwise website

We like to encourage as many students to travel to and from  school under their own steam if possible, or to be dropped off  close by and walk the last bit. 

However, please ensure that you talk to them about staying safe-particularly those riding. 

Please include watching out for cars  coming out of their driveways and taking particular care when overtaking parked cars.  

This year we would like to encourage as many of our senior students to walk, ride or be dropped away from school so that they can walk the remainder. 

This is a deliberate initiative to reduce traffic congestion within school.


Do you want your child to join a walking school bus OR can you help run a bus?  

Contact the school office, who can connect you with our parent Route Coordinator.