Our Supporters

We are very thankful to have many businesses that support our kura throughout the year. Please support them like they do us if you are able.

Kauri Park School Platinum Sponsor

A big thank you to Liz Hurley & Barfoot & Thompson Beach Haven - our hero school sponsor for their generous support of our kura.    
Your donation helps us to run key fundraising events and contribute towards key resources for our school. 

Liz Hurley

Residential Sales
Beach Haven Branch

Mobile:  027 499 3291
After Hours:  482-1659
Email Liz

2024 Supporters

2023 End of Summer Festival Sponsors

2022 FoKPS Disco Sponsors

FoKPS would also like to acknowledge the support of the following families who donated money towards the disco stalls:

2022 FoKPS Quiz Sponsors

FoKPS would also like to acknowledge the support of the following companies who also donated items for our Quiz Night: