

Reading and writing are foundation skills for tamariki to acquire at school. Our teachers plan for daily instructional reading and writing sessions that build on the existing knowledge and interests of tamariki. Teachers match tamariki to their next steps in learning and provide opportunities to practice and embed skills.

Garden to Table

The bountiful garden, food forest, and livestock (bee and chickens) at Kauri Park School allow tamariki to manage and care for these spaces. Using harvests from our kura, students prepare and cook meals whilst experiencing and learning the true value of both community and sustainability. KPS students explore tikanga through the process of eating and growing food together. 


Through daily mathematics at KPS, learners consolidate their basic facts knowledge and develop a range of strategies to solve problems. In addition, teachers at Kauri Park give tamariki opportunities to explore and learn in statistics, geometry, algebra and measurement. We love using these contexts to develop our collaborative and problem solving skills.

The Arts

At KPS our tamariki have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument with a specialist. We are particularly proud of our original biennial school productions that occur for every syndicate as these give our tamariki the chance to explore all aspects of the arts curriculum in front of an audience.

Te Reo/Tikanga

At Kauri Park we value Te Tiriti o Waitangi and integrate it into our way of being. Students learn their Pepeha and participate in a daily tikanga. Our Kapa Haka group performs to the whole school, and as part of our whakatau to welcome new members into our community. Te Reo is a vital part of our learning programme. 


We offer wide ranging sporting opportunities to our tamariki. These encompass those that are fun and for everyone, as well as those that are competitive and build skills for our serious athletes. Kauri Park tamariki regularly perform well at cluster cross sports events, something that we are all very proud of. Our open grounds encourage a range of sporting and regular exercise and, if you come on the right day, you may even witness one of our legendary Teachers Vs Students football games. 

Below is our health statement: 

Kauri Park Primary School implements a programme of Health Education based on the New Zealand Curriculum and in keeping with the school’s charter and values. The focus of the programme will be to give our students the knowledge, skills and attitudes to maintain and enhance well-being.  Students will recognise social and societal influences on well-being and be given opportunities to take action to promote their own and others’ well-being. In delivering Health Education, Kauri Park Primary School teachers will use a range of appropriate teaching strategies and contexts that engage students and enable development of the key competencies, while taking opportunities to integrate Health Education learning with other aspects of The New Zealand Curriculum

Learning Support

We are committed to caring and supporting for all tamariki at Kauri Park School. Often this covers those who encounter barriers to learning, neurodiversities, as well as those who display talents in different areas. However, this also includes anxiety and wellbeing challenges that face our tamariki and the impact that it has on their learning. 

If you would like to talk further about your child, please feel free to contact our Assistant Principal Kim Kelly.