Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the legal body governing the school. The Board consists of elected members including  two teaching staff  - The Principal is automatically a member of the Board and the school staff elect a colleague to become the Staff Trustee. The collaborative function of all board members is to ensure the best outcomes for its community.

The Board currently meets twice a term at 7.00 pm in the school Staffroom. The Board writes school policies as the elected representatives of the parents, administers the school in accordance with the charter, administers the Government grant given each year, prepares annual budgets and maintains accounts. The Board employs staff and maintains school property.

Meeting dates can be found on the school calendar

Board Members

Stevie Winikerei (Health and Safety)

Thomas Bigge (Principal)

Richard Lyons (Finance)

Hiliary Lill (Property)

Luke Smith (Policy)

Alicia Marsh (Staff Rep)

Paula Gillon (Presiding Member)

The KPS Board can be contacted on:

Public Documents

Our school policies and procedures can be viewed on the SchoolDocs website.

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